7) Hip-hop performers make more money than athletes throughout their life. They also have more experience with the real world and have more skills than athletes. They have more experience dealing with bosses and authority, and they learn more about earning opportunities and jobs. Hip-hop artists pretend that their life is just perfect and they have no problems. They exaggerate and make their life seem even less carefree than it is. Ostensibly their life is perfect, and athletes see that. That exacerbates the longing that athletes have. The grass is always greener on the other side, so artists want to show that they also are athletic, and they end up becoming friends with some athletes. That gives football players the false hope that they can live the same life as those artists. Little do athletes know, their career is much less sturdy and reliable, and artists aren't even as carefree as it seems. Athletes will always be affected by rappers, but athletes should also see the difference between the two lifestyles and be more reasonable.
This is not necessarily true Jack. Many athletes make more money than hip hop artists and there is no guaranteed longevity in either career. They are both unpredictable.
ReplyDelete-Brandon Ruffin