Monday, October 7, 2013

Ilana Baker

Two athletes who have become rich due to their endorsements and contract compensations are Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is a sound financial decision maker and could be described as “conscientious”, while Tiger Woods has made many bad financial decisions and can be described as “reckless”. I agree with Michael Jordan’s decisions, because he saw the opportunity in Nike Air Jordans took part in it, which earns him $80 million a year. He saw an opportunity for something that would potentially benefit him, and decided to invest in it. I don’t agree with Tiger Woods’ financial decisions, because he lived beyond his means, which put him into debt. For example, he lost funding on a golf course that was an estimated $billion, and is paying off the $45 million mortgage on one of his mansions. Both of these athletes have been impacted by their financial actions-Michael Jordan has prospered, and Tiger Woods has suffered.

1 comment:

  1. Nadia Goldberg: I agree that Michael Jordan has spent his money well. He makes good investments and handles his money well. I also agree with the statement that Tiger Woods has not made good decisions in handling his money. He is very reckless and lives beyond his means.
