Friday, September 20, 2013

Pharoah Sherod

1. In thirty days Morgan and Alex managed their money on minimum wage very well. even on the days where the children were over they "splurged", to use that term loosely. They were still very conserved about spending money. Alex even walked to work every day to save them the cost of using the bus, or taking a train. Even though Morgan was somewhat less exclusive about frivolous spending they still managed to make it through the thirty days.

7.The working poor are the people who work one or more than one job, but are still living underneath the poverty line. Most of the working poor are working minimum wage jobs so the can barely afford the bare minimum of living expenses. This was shown in 30 days where the could barely afford day to day cost, let alone to go outside and spend money. And when bills came in it was even more challenging. Medical bills aren't really included in the payment of minimum wage. In thirty days it showed that the cost of walking into an emergency room is more than a weeks wage, most people on minimum wages can't afford to pay that expensive of bills or they'll become impoverished adding on to the large amount of working poor. According to the Washington Post: "In 2011, some 46.2 million Americans lived below the official poverty line -- 15 percent of the country. Of those, roughly 10.4 million had jobs, but still lived bellow the poverty line"

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