Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nadia Goldberg

2.) Budgeting played a huge role in survival for Alex and Morgan. If they didn't budget, they would not have any money left for the necessities. Because they budgeted, they knew how much money they could spend on what things. Alex and Morgan ate beans and rice almost everyday for dinner, which is a cheap option. If they had bought dinners consisting of steak and sushi, they would have been out of money within a few days. But, because they budgeted, they always had enough money for food and shelter.

8.) I believe that Alex became emotional about the services that were given to her and Morgan at The Free Store because she realized how nice people were. She had never really realized how essential things such as tables and chairs were, and she also realized that there are people in the world that care more about giving back to their community than there own personal eyes. Alex was giving up hope, so when her and Morgan got all of the things from the store, she gained her hope back and began to believe in the kindness of people.

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