Friday, September 20, 2013

nathan 30 days response

2)  The role budgeting played  in alex and Morgans survival was a big role. They had to do a lot of sacrificing when it came to their well being. They had to eat rice and beans for for most of the time. They really could not do much with out there being a conflict in making the decisions they made. When  Morgan hurt his wrist he had to try the free clinic first because they didn't have health insurance. when the free clinic was full had had the option of going to the emergency room which was pretty expensive. The emergency room visit cost them big time so they had to cut back on other things. They were basically working to live life and get by.

3) I feel race was a big factor with them getting the apartment they had. The fact that they didn't have children either also played a big role. I think if it was a couple that was a minority it would have been a lot more hard or probably even wouldn't have got it.

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