Monday, November 25, 2013

Sean Finn-Samuels Blackfish Blog

Blackfish was an eye-opening movie, and having been a customer of SeaWorld in the past it had a strong impact on me. What became apparent is that we, the customers, are providing Sea World with the funding necessary to continue to separate orcas from their mothers at such a young age, and then pen them up. They take our money and then use it to steal more orcas, and as a result kill some of them with the heathen techniques they use to ensnare the young. I’ve always been a huge fan of SeaWorld and as a child I aspired to be one of the trainers that appeared to be having so much fun swimming with the whales and asking them to perform tasks. Now, I don’t think these trainers should be role models for our young. They are kept in the dark as to all of the dastardly deeds SeaWorld is performing using the money the trainers provide them with using their shows that everyone wants to see. Also, before OSHA forbid the trainers from entering the water, their lives were in constant danger, and for children to desire to be those trainers in the water is a scary thought, considering SeaWorld continued to put the trainers’ lives in danger. It’s enraging to think that the paying customers have been duped by SeaWorld for so long. Also, SeaWorld tried to cover up all of their misdeeds in the media, so the public has always been left in the dark. Now that the truth has come out and SeaWorld can no longer cover up for everything they’ve done wrong, I don’t think I’ll be spending so much of my money there again; I would assume that I’m not the only one that feels this way.

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