Monday, November 25, 2013

Olivia Gerasole Blackfish Blog Entry

Sea World Opinion
Sea World represents the corporation. Their goal is to make the most profit by attracting the paying public. Although I strongly disagree with Sea World's position on this topic, I would assume that their opinions on the documentary are bad. This documentary is causing them to lose business. They have no concern about the regal animals they keep at their facilities. This movie is the exact opposite of what Sea World wants. They want to attract the public. This documentary is exposing the public to the truths of Sea World, which is causing Sea World to lose a lot of customers. Since Blackfish is bad for business, Sea World's goal would be to convince the public that Blackfish is deceiving. They would want to show the public that the animals are happy and healthy, and that the trainers they employ are indeed safe. Sea World would definitely side with those who still think that keeping animals such as killer whales in captivity is an ethical thing to do.

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